All of us at Parsons-Eagle Packaging Systems look forward to our ongoing relationship as we continue to provide you professional service and cost effective solutions for your packaging equipment needs.
Scott Romenesko, President
+1 (920) 983-7380
Greg Steenbock, Product Manger
+1 (920) 983-7327
Direct Sales Contacts:
Joe Vannieuwenhoven
Industry Manager
Pet Food/Treats/Litter
+1 (920) 983-7313
E-mail Joe Vannieuwenhoven
Justin Fredricks
Sales Executive
+1 (920) 983-7374
E-mail Justin Fredricks
*Former Industry Manager for Petfood, Ruben Barajas retired December 30th, 2022. His replacement is Joe Vannieuwenhoven. See announcement HERE.
International Agents:
Mexico: Grupo Solpersa - Alberto Tenorio
Hacienda de Salaices 23, Col. Villa Quietud, Mexico, D.F., C.P. 04960
Office: +52 55 5603 3603, Fax: +52 55 5673 2356, E-mail Grupo Solpersa